From the Foundation we develop different projects in the Iberian Peninsula linked to our three areas of work: biodiversity conservation, rural development, and scientific research and environmental education.
We also work at the European level through the LIFE and POCTEFA programs, in alliance with other strategic actors in biodiversity conservation.

Scientific research and environmental education


Environmental education programs at the Ecomuseum of the Pyrenean Fauna (Ainsa – Huesca)

Training program of the Monte Perdido Biological Station (Huesca), Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park.

Environmental Education Program at the Center for Biodiversity and Development Sustainable/The Bearded Vulture Mountains (Benia de Onis-Asturias)

Applied study on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through necrophagous birds.

Evaluation of the effects of climate change on the prevalence and morbidity of diseases transmitted by biological agents in mountain birds.

Scientific ecotourism experiences project in Spain

Good practices for sustainable climbing in Aragón.

Rural development


Bio-For-Piri Project Forest fires in the Pyrenees: turning a threat into an opportunity for rural development through the forest bioeconomy.Pro-Biodiversity Brand Guarantee brand that exemplifies the link between conservation and livestock farming in mountain areas Different agreements with local authorities and administrations, Land Stewardship Plan with the City Council of Aínsa-Sobrarbe (Huesca), among others.

Pro-Sobrarbe (Huesca) Cooperation project: Production, promotion and biodiversity.Pro-Biodiversity Livestock Program to transform extensive livestock farming in mountain areas in coexistence with large carnivores Scientific Ecotourism Project in Spain Creation of a tourism product linked to the conservation of habitats and endangered species.

PorOtraPAC Coalition Platform for monitoring EU agricultural policy in the areas of environmental management and social justice

Onis y Punto Project; development of the Tourism Sustainability and Ecotourism Plan for Benia de Onis.



LIFE Project (2022- 2027) for the Bearded Vulture Iberian corridors for the Bearded Vulture LIFE Project (2013-2018) Conservation of the Bearded Vulture as a resource for the maintenance + Bearded Vulture Network LIFE Project (2002-2005) Recovery of the Bearded Vulture in Picos de Europa LIFE Project (1998-2002) Recovery of the Bearded Vulture in the Iberian System LIFE Project (1994-1998) Threatened vertebrates of the Pyrenees POCTEFA/INTERREG Project (2002-2006) For a Living Pyrenees/Pyrénées Vivantes

Some other ongoing projects

Some other completed projects

Help us conserve biodiversity