Contact us

Use the following form to send us any query you wish to make. Do not forget to fill in the required fields, this information is necessary so that we can get in touch with you.


Basic information about data protection
Responsible: Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ).
Purpose: To respond to your request for information and / or contact.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party by checking the box and sending their data.
Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights as explained in the data protection section of our Privacy Policy.


Plaza San Pedro Nolasco 1
50.001 Zaragoza

Telf.: (+34) 976 299 667

Finca de la Alfranca s/n
50.195 Pastriz (Zaragoza)

The Eco Museum – Visitor Centre/ Pyrenees Bird Center

Castillo de Aínsa s/n
22.330 Aínsa-Sobrarbe (Huesca)

Telf: (+34) 974 500 597

Monte Perdido Biological Station

22.364 Revilla (Huesca) s/n

Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development “Las Montañas del Quebrantahuesos”

33.556 Benia de Onís (Asturias) s/n
Telf.: (+34) 985 844 293

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