FCQ Transparency

The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture is a private non-profit organization, declared of public utility, which is dedicated to promote and develop projects of monitoring, research, conservation, management, rural development, ecotourism, environmental education and awareness in the mountain habitats where the Bearded Vulture lives. In this section of TRANSPARENCY you can consult the information related to the organization and structure, application regulations, contracts, agreements and grants, as well as economic information of our organization, in compliance with Law 19/2013, of December 9, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance and Law 8/2015, of March 25, on Transparency of Public Activity and Citizen Participation of Aragon. We put at your disposal all the documentation, click on the section that interests you:

FCQ Constitution and identification data

  1. Date of incorporation: August 2, 1995.
  2. Identification of the Board of Trustees: see.
  3. Registry in which it is registered and tax status: Registry of Foundations of State Competence of the Ministry of Justice by Resolution of 23/04/2009, with registration number 70/AGR.
    This registration entails the recognition of the general interest of its purposes.
    FCQ is covered by Law 49/2002, of December 23, 2002, and is therefore considered a beneficiary of patronage.
  4. Registered office and headquarters: see.
  5. Bylaws and current regulations: Deed of Incorporation, Deed of adaptation of the bylaws to Law 26/2002, Privacy policy.

Contracts, agreements and grants

FCQ Carbon Footprint