Custodia Territorio FCQ and Aínsa-Sobrarbe.In February 2016 the City Council of Aínsa-Sobrarbe and the FCQ signed a Collaboration Agreement for the Custody of the Territory of the Municipality agreement, which was renewed in 2019.
Innovative public-private collaboration agreement between a conservation NGO and a local entity.
The work of Stewardship consists of helping to preserve the natural values of the Municipality of Ainsa-Sobrarbe against those transformations of the territory that can denaturalize them (deforestation, fires, etc…) and in general, activities of great environmental impact. Disseminate the natural values of themunicipality inorder to make them known, as an added attraction of the area that stimulates a respectful tourism with them. To promote the sustainable use (agriculture, livestock, forestry, hunting, fishing, tourism, recreation, etc.) of the natural resources and the historical and archaeological heritage.
To favor the orderly tourist activity through the design of uses and activities that complement the establishment of areas of ecological interest, nature itineraries and zones of didactic interest. Advise on environmental issues and conservation of natural heritage and biodiversity and monitor the state of the equipment and infrastructure of nature trails and points with educational information about the territory and the natural environment.
We are currently managing and maintaining the Aínsa-Sobrarbe Necrophagous Bird Feeder, the Municipal Slaughterhouse, the Aínsa Castle Eco-Museum and Visitor Center, participating in the organizing committee of the Aínsa Fair and Sobrarbe Expoferia, preparing and developing different aids for environmental dissemination and rural development activities (Sobrarbe, Autoctono y Sostenible, Climatic Festival, etc.), taking part in different events, and in the organization of the Aínsa Fair and the Sobrarbe Expoferia.), we participate in different events, such as those organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), etc.