Monirepro Program: inventory and monitoring of the reproduction of the Bearded Vulture.

The FCQ has been carrying out uninterruptedly since 1995 the inventory and monitoring of the reproduction of the bearded vulture in Aragon, either with its own means and financing, or through Framework Collaboration Agreements and technical assistance with the Government of Aragon. This monitoring work is essential to understand the evolution of the population and the conservation status of the species’ nesting areas. The work is carried out by expert technicians from the FCQ, knowledgeable about the reproductive biology of the bearded vulture, as well as its geographical range of distribution in the Aragonese Pyrenees. There is also the support of technicians and Forest Agents of the Government of Aragon, naturalists, FCQ partners, etc. who voluntarily collaborate. For the population inventory, the method used for other large rock raptors has been followed, consisting of a series of consecutive controls carried out in the breeding sector of the pairs, focusing on the times considered crucial and that provide greater information for obtaining of reproductive parameters. These periods are basically the preparation and construction of the nest, the incubation of the eggs and the development of the chick until it makes its first flights. Collaborate with the program and send your observations of territorial adults to the specimen tracking section, sightings section. The program is financed by different entities: Government of Aragon, Biodiversity Foundation, etc. and FCQ own funds.