PorOtraPAC Coalition.

Coalición Por Otra PAC, a platform of organic production organizations, extensive livestock farmers, environmental NGOs, development cooperation or experts in nutrition and consumption, which aims to influence the future Community Agricultural Policy (CAP).

2024-10-16T18:47:13+02:002 October, 2018|

Sobrarbe Agrodiverse Cooperative Group.

In order to diversify agricultural activity in mountain areas, the Sobrarbe Agrodiverse and Sustainable Sobrarbe Cooperation Group was launched in 2017.

2024-10-16T18:34:37+02:0013 September, 2018|

LIFE + RED Quebrantahuesos Project

The Bearded Vulture became extinct in the Picos de Europa in the mid-20th century, with the last reproduction data dating back to the 1960s. The main objective of this project was to create the necessary environmental conditions for the permanent establishment of the Bearded Vulture specimens present in the mountainous environment of the Picos de Europa.

2024-10-16T18:34:37+02:0031 July, 2018|


The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ) and the Aragonese Association of Pyrenean Breed Cattle Breeders (ASAPI), join forces with the support of the Aínsa Town Council, owner of the municipal slaughterhouse, the University of Zaragoza and the Sobrarbe Businessmen Association to encourage the consumption of Pyrenean Breed meat km 0, born, raised and slaughtered in Sobrarbe itself, thus facilitating contributions to the necrophagous bird feeder managed by the FCQ in Aínsa and closing a circle of development and sustainability that encompasses livestock farming, catering and environmental conservation.

2024-10-16T18:34:58+02:0030 July, 2018|

Pilot project for innovation and sustainable development through the recovery of endangered species 2009 – 2012

The Pilot Project "Innovation and sustainable development through the recovery of endangered species", financed by the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs within the framework of the National Rural Network, is presented as a work initiative that aims to activate innovative mechanisms of social promotion capable of promoting sustainable rural development initiatives linked to the conservation of endangered species. The main objective of this project was to create the necessary environmental conditions for the permanent establishment of the Bearded Vulture specimens present in the mountainous environment of the Picos de Europa.

2024-10-16T18:34:48+02:0029 June, 2018|

LIFE Project (2002 – 2005): recovery of the Bearded Vulture in the Picos de Europa.

The Bearded Vulture became extinct in the Picos de Europa in the mid-20th century, with the last reproduction data dating back to the 1960s. The main objective of this project was to create the necessary environmental conditions for the permanent establishment of the Bearded Vulture specimens present in the mountainous environment of the Picos de Europa.

2024-10-16T18:34:48+02:0029 June, 2018|
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