Program of actions of the Bearded Vulture recovery plan in Aragon and LIFE Bearded Vulture Network 2017

During 2017 FCQ technicians will develop the following works for the development of part of the actions of the Bearded Vulture Recovery Plan in Aragon and Life Red Quebrantahuesos:

  • Monitoring actions: Monirepro program (inventory of breeding units-UR-), Seguimarc program (marking and monitoring of specimens).
  • Conservation actions: Necrocomedero program (supplementary feeding of UR and maintenance and management of the Aínsa feeding trough), VARCRIQ program (monitoring of critical areas).
  • Laying rescue program, captive breeding of chicks and release in the Picos de Europa National Park.
  • Ecotourism, environmental education, awareness and communication actions.
    -Funded by the Government of Aragon, Life and FCQ funds.