Among the birds, through the Sierra de Partara.

The Climatic Festival closes its thirteenth edition calling for the involvement of all social sectors.

Aínsa has dismissed the thirteenth edition of the Climatic Festival in the Plaza Mayor of the Medieval Village with the performance ‘The man who planted trees’ by the Company of Victor Biau. This play extols the values of ecology, the environment and small individual gestures that can help change the world. The performance put the finishing touch to three days of workshops, lectures, screenings and activities for all audiences. Thus, on Sunday morning, the children’s entertainment proposals carried out in the courtyard of the Castle attracted many families, while the cooking demonstrations with solar parables aroused curiosity among adults. Also very relevant was the participation in the workshop on domestic water saving, where Manel Rivero, from the Catalan company Intiam Ruai, has exposed some keys to reduce the expenditure of this essential good: limiters in the flow of taps, toilets with dual flush cistern, timers and use of appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers when they are completely full have been some of them.


Previously, on Saturday, the places were full to join the excursion to the Biological Station Monte Perdido of the FCQ to learn about the “Programs for monitoring climate change through the avifauna”. For the activity, the organization provided free transportation from Ainsa, collecting very good feedback from an activity that has been carried out in different scenarios since the beginning of this Climate Festival. In the afternoon, in the Eco Museum of the Pyrenean Fauna, a talk on “Reflections on climate change from the church” took place, with Carlos Revuleto, geologist and Delegate of Integral Ecology of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza. Among the issues addressed, special emphasis was placed on the logical commitment that every believer and non-believer must assume if we want this Planet and life on it to have hope.


The Climatic Festival began last Friday, October 4 with the opening of the exhibition ‘In Love with the Mountains’ of the Platform in Defense of the Mountains of Aragon, and the conference ‘Survivors of climate change, the ptarmigan or alpine ptarmigan in the Aragonese Pyrenees’, given by Juan Antonio Gil of the FCQ. The Climatic Festival is funded by the Government of Aragon and the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The activities of this edition add to the trajectory of a Festival that has already held more than 260 environmental workshops, technical conferences, theatrical and humorous performances, tricycle races and ascents to the Balcón de Pineta and Monte Perdido, among other events that demonstrate the growing interest in sustainability in the territory. In the words of Óscar Díez, director of the Eco Museum and member of the organization, “the balance of the last edition encourages us to continue until the end of our days, we cannot fall into discouragement or give up trying to make our Planet and life on it a little better every day”.
