March to Canal Roya: they organize a crossing for the protection in Europe of this natural area.

March to Canal Roya: they organize a crossing for the protection in Europe of this natural area.

To date, the government of Jorge Azcón has not ruled out the union of resorts between Astún and Formigal. The Platform in Defense of the Aragonese Mountains has organized new mobilizations to demand Europe to protect the Canal Roya valley. One year after the union of the Astún and Formigal resorts was shelved due to the refusal of the DPH. DPHthe associations have organized a March to Canal Roya, from 4 to 12 May, which will link by a crossing walking the city of Huesca with this Pyrenean enclave to claim European protection. The intentions of the then Lambán government to carry out this project, financed with European funds, aroused significant opposition in the territory. “Never has the defense of our high mountain known a mobilization of such magnitude. In this citizens’ success we must bear in mind the role of the European institutions in dissuading the execution of an eminently destructive work with a serious impact on the Pyrenean landscape”, the platform states. However, the new Government of Azcón has not closed the door to the union of the stations of Astún and Formigal, this time with its own funds within the Pyrenees Plan. “Therefore, and before the immediate renewal of the European Parliament, we return to address the European institutions and organizations, platforms and assemblies involved in the defense of Canal Roya and our mountains promote a European Commitment for the Pyrenees,” they argue. With this March to Canal Roya want to appeal to candidates for the elections to the European Parliament to engage in a constant work in Brussels for the protection of the entire Pyrenean area and Canal Roya and its protection within the Natura 2000 Network. The march will depart from Huesca on Saturday May 4 and after traveling throughout the province of Huesca in a series of stages, will culminate on Sunday May 12 to Canal Roya with a final stage Canfranc-Canal Roya that is intended to be a call to Europe to claim the protection of this natural area against denialist and speculative projects.
