What is the FCQ?
The FCQ was created in 1995, and is a non-governmental organisation (NGO), declared as being of public utility. It is dedicated to the promotion and development of projects related to conservation, management, research, environmental education, rural development and ecotourism in the mountain habitats where the Lammergeier lives.
The FCQ initially worked on increasing knowledge about the biology of the species, in order to create management criteria that would allow the development of the Spanish mountains to be weighed against the maintenance of their biological diversity. From the beginning, the FCQ detected that the conservation of the Lammergeier could not develop without considering the social interests existing in the mountains where it lives. The organisation has therefore promoted environmental awareness campaigns and rural development projects, without neglecting biological investigation, and has been incorporating new fields of work, for example studies connected with the conservation of biodiversity, such as the fight against climate change and the search for economic models that are sustainable in rural areas.
At present the organisation has a variety of technical means, which guarantee the achievement of the objectives foreseen in its constitutional statutes. The result of this is an increase in the number of projects and in the workforce, despite the variability of the sources on which the entity depends. The achievement of our goals has been achieved thanks to perseverance, hard work, enthusiasm, and the self-taught development of our workers, as well as the lessons learned from some errors in experimental projects.