The Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera hosts the presentation of the 15 projects to promote the forest bioeconomy that are being developed in Catalonia.

The Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera hosts the presentation of the 15 projects to promote the forest bioeconomy that are being developed in Catalonia.

More than a hundred experts and professionals from the sector, interested in the presentation of the 15 projects to promote the forest bioeconomy that will be developed in Catalonia over the next two years, met today June 6 at the Auditori de La Pedrera. These projects, among which we find the Forest Bioeconomy in the Pyrenees (Bio For Piri) led by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, have received a total of 24.5 M€ of funding in the call for grants for the promotion of the forest bioeconomy 2023 of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. Carles Ribas, deputy to General Management of Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, welcomed the attendees and explained: “in addition to the forest management actions we do through the Forest Bioeconomy project in the Pyrenees (Bio For Piri), we also carry out actions outside our territories, such as those we are carrying out in Les Gavarres (Empordà), our goal is to seek synergies to promote the necessary transformations to adapt to climate change”. Anna Barnadas, Secretary of Climate Action of the Generalitat de Catalunya, added: “the forest bioeconomy must be one of the powers in our territory, based on three axes. The first is to promote the local economy to root people in the territory. The second is to promote the health and biodiversity of the territory and its forests. And the third is the circular bioeconomy as the great opportunity to transform the current situation and the climate challenge.” Finally,

Francés Boya, Secretary General for the Demographic Challenge. Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. He emphasized: “These 15 projects are a new approach to face the challenges of rural territories. The forest map coincides very much with the map of depopulation and these aids for the forest must be a help for these territories. It is necessary that we give an answer to the challenges of our villages so that they have a long life and future.” The aim of the presentation was to present the innovative projects that will be developed in Catalonia in the areas of promotion of forest use, sustainable forest management for the enhancement of the mountain, extensive livestock as a tool for management and fire prevention and the general promotion of forest bioeconomy.
