The Cortes hosts the legislative hearings on the renewable energy tax bill.

The Cortes hosts the legislative hearings on the renewable energy tax bill.

In this Commission of Environment and Tourism will participate 14 representatives of the environmental sector to transfer their considerations and opinions on the regulatory text. The Cortes de Aragon held this Monday, from 10.00 to 12.30, the legislative hearings of the draft law for the creation of environmental taxes on wind farms and photovoltaic parks in the autonomous community, which modifies the one that taxes the transmission facilities in high-voltage electricity. Fourteen representatives of the environmental sector will participate in this Environment and Tourism Commission to express their considerations and opinions on the regulatory text. In the first instance, the legislative hearings will begin with the participation of EDP Renovables España; the professor of the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies of the University of Santiago de Compostela, José Manuel Iglesias; the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF); and the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE). Then, the day will continue with the interventions of the Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers (ANPIER); the professor of the University of Zaragoza, María Rosa Duarte; the Energy Cluster of Aragon (CLEANAR); the Official College of Forestry Engineers in Aragon; the Aragonese Federation of Municipalities, Counties and Provinces (FAMCP); and the Platform March 13. Finally, the exhibitions will culminate with the appearances, from 12.00 hours, the High Wind Association, the Galp Group, the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ) and the Platform for the landscapes of Teruel.

Agriculture Commission

On the other hand, the Commission of Agriculture, Livestock and Food will count, from 16.00, with the appearance of the general director of Agricultural Production, Carlos Calvo, to report on the modification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for 2024 and 2025, at the request of the counselor of the branch, Angel Samper. After Calvo’s appearance, the members of the Commission will debate and vote on two non-legislative propositions submitted by the Socialist Party and Aragón-Teruel Existe. In the first initiative, the PSOE will request a specific study of all women in the primary sector who have worked in family farms. And in the second initiative, Aragón-Teruel Existe will require the regional Executive to take measures to protect beekeeping farms in Aragon and to avoid the proliferation of the Asian wasp in the territory. After the interventions, the enlarged Bureau of the Agriculture, Livestock and Food Commission will meet to set the next activities.
