RTVE delivers the 3rd edition of the Green Beetle Awards.

RTVE delivers the 3rd edition of the Green Beetle Awards.

The Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos, the Junta Vecinal de Valdavido and Macaco, among the winners for their support to the environment. Quercus magazine received the Mària Sánchez award for its journalistic and environmental work. The singer Roger Padrós performed the songs ‘El record’ and ‘El secret’ The awards ceremony was held yesterday afternoon at the Hivernacle of the Ciutadella Park in Barcelona. Coinciding with the week in which World Environment Day is celebrated, RTVE has delivered the 3rd edition of the Green Beetle Awards with the aim of highlighting the work for the conservation of nature and the planet in different areas of society. In an event held at the Hivernacle of the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona, where many people related to the environment and ‘El Escarabajo Verde’ have gathered. Anna Cler, deputy director of RTVE Catalonia, opened the awards ceremony, highlighting the satisfaction of RTVE “for being able to have for 27 years a program dedicated to the environment and produced in RTVE Catalonia”. He also recalled the creator of the format, Mària Sánchez, who passed away a year ago: “A visionary, a pioneer, who saw that public television needed a space that was entertaining and dedicated to the environment”. The director of the program and member of the jury of the awards, Dunia Ramiro, stressed that these awards are a motivation and a reminder to offer quality products from public television. “We are a key piece, along with scientists, experts, social and economic entities, to explain what is happening around this climate crisis. Our job is to ask all parties and offer it in a simple way to the viewer so that they can form their own conclusions.” The team of the Bearded Vulture Conservation Foundation was the first to collect the award in the category of ‘Public or private institution in favor of the environment’ from jury member Jacob Petrus, director and presenter of ‘Aquí la Tierra’. Óscar Díez, president of the Foundation, wanted to thank “the team of ‘El Escarabajo Verde’ for their work during these almost three decades and to highlight the commitment and credibility gained program by program in this long trajectory. The next to collect his award in the category of ‘Initiative coming from the civil society in favor of the environment’ was Carlos Javier Durá. The environmental legal advisor of the Neighborhood Council of Valdavido highlighted the work of the inhabitants who have known how to value these models of sustainable development and who try to work to protect them. “Learning from mistakes, they will continue to rise up without abandoning their dreams to live on a better planet,” he concluded. José Antonio Montero, editor-in-chief of Quercus magazine collected the award ‘Mària Sánchez Ledesma for her journalistic work in favor of the environment’, from the director of RTVE Catalunya, Esteve Crespo. “El Escarabajo Verde’ is a program with which we feel twinned. I think that both news projects are a bit in the dedication of service to society and to transmit relevant information to society,” he explained.

The primatologist Rebeca Atencia received her award from the other member of the jury and director of ‘El cazador de cerebros’, Pere Estupinyà, in the category of ‘Outstanding scientific personality’: “For me it is a great pride to receive an award from ‘El Escarabajo Verde’ which is the dissemination of all these actions that are done everywhere and that can be shared with the rest of the world”. The last to collect his award was the musician Macaco in the category of ‘Outstanding artistic personality in favor of the environment’, from the hands of the director of La 2, Laura Folguera. The singer was grateful for his recognition for spreading the message in favor of the environment. He claimed that “we need bold leaders who do not bow down to the tyranny of the all-powerful of the world economy”.

Musical performance by Roger Padrós

In addition, the awards ceremony was attended by the singer Roger Padrós, who performed the songs ‘El record’ and ‘El secret’.

The Jury

The jury of the awards was formed by: Asunción Ruíz, executive director of the Spanish Ornithological Society, SEO Birdlife; Elena Pita, director of the Biodiversity Foundation; Jacob Petrus, director and presenter of ‘Aquí la tierra’; Pere Estupinyà, director and presenter of ‘El cazador de cerebros’ and Dunia Ramiro, director of ‘El Escarabajo Verde’. ‘El Escarabajo Verde’ is the weekly environmental program of RTVE’s La 2 that since 1997 has been documenting issues related to nature, ecology and sustainability necessary for life on Earth.

