Presentation at the City Council of Ainsa-Sobrarbe of different projects in the municipality promoted by the FCQ, within the Custody Territory agreement.

Presentation at the City Council of Ainsa-Sobrarbe of different projects in the municipality promoted by the FCQ, within the Territory Stewardship Agreement.

Today the FCQ has presented to the councilors of the City Council of Aínsa-Sobrarbe different projects promoted by the FCQ: -Project Bio-For-Piri of forest bioeconomy, through aid from the Biodiversity Foundation, in which 6 entities participate, one of them the FCQ which has been awarded 220.220,000 at 95% (5% own contribution) for: forest fire prevention plans in Aínsa, characterization of the municipality’s forests and proposal of silvicultural guidelines, thinning of the Bagueste mountain and naturalistic management of 23 ha, analysis of the potential use of biomass in Aínsa, volunteer and environmental awareness actions, development of 6 forest routes to value the different forests of the municipality. Outside the municipality, actions will be carried out in Morillo de Sampietro and San Vicente de Labuerda (clearing and expansion of pastures around the villages, investments in infrastructure and small machines) and creation of carcass deposit areas for necrophagous birds. – The Bearded Vulture Sentinels, in the framework of the project Scientific Ecotourism Experiences in Spain (EECE), with an investment of 4000€, a free, educational, environmental and cultural route is created to promote the visit and stay in Aínsa. See video: This EECE project will also create a national route in which Ainsa and Sobrarbe are especially relevant in the description of the successful experience with the Bearded Vulture through the FCQ “Story telling”.

-Natura 2000 Network. Aid prepared by FCQ and whose beneficiary is the City Council of Aínsa, with 32,115€, for the creation of an information point on the Natura 2000 Network in the Municipality, restoration and creation of an open water area in the wetland declared ZEC of the Ara River and signposting of the Natura 2000 Network areas in the Municipality. -Improvements to the slaughterhouse/feeder for necrophagous birds, whose beneficiary is Aínsa Town Council, through the Aragón Emprende Foundation, with an amount: 100,000€ granted, for 141,000€ of investment. From the FCQ we have collaborated in the drafting, execution and monitoring of works of the EREA aid (creation of a new cold storage room, access lanes to it, change of floor, computerization of the office, guided visits to farms and feeding trough). Implementation of the vehicle cleaning register (Recelide platform), digitalization of the missing forms (delivery notes for carcasses, hides and others). Acquisition of a new, more functional trailer with FCQ loading assistance. -PoctefaDusal. Participation of the FCQ as a partner in the project, in which the City Council of Ainsa is also involved, which will develop: a festival of Pyrenean biodiversity in May 2025 in the Castle of Ainsa, with homologous actions in Aulon-France (May 24 and 25) and a cross-border route of biodiversity/ecotourism product/travel guide Spain/France, with an investment of about 103,000 €.