Meeting Poctefa Dusal single destination Sobrarbe-Aure-Louron 2024-2026.
Last 24-7-2024 the first meeting of the Poctefa Dusal single destination Sobrarbe-Aure-Louron 2024-2026 was held in Aínsa.
The project has 19 partners among municipalities, business associations, NGOs (one of them the FCQ) (Spain-France).
It is endowed with 2 million euros, of which the EU contributes 65%).
The project includes management, communication, destination integration and product creation actions.
The general coordinator of the project is the City Council of Aínsa-Sobrarbe.
The FCQ already had a first working meeting last April with several partners (Aulon and San Juan de Plan town councils).
The FCQ will carry out a cross-border route on biodiversity and will organize a festival on biodiversity (2025 and 2026).
Courses will also be held with ecotourism operators and a travel guide will be published.