Dialogue table: coexistence of mountain biking with other uses and environmental sustainability in Aragón.

Dialogue table: coexistence of mountain biking with other uses and environmental sustainability in Aragón.

At the proposal of several environmental organizations of Aragon, the General Technical Secretariat of the Department of Environment and Tourism, the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ) requested a dialogue table to discuss with the agents involved the compatibility of the activity of mountain biking with other uses in order to seek models of regulated coexistence that do not put the environment at risk. The meeting of 30-4-2024 was attended by environmental NGOs, sports federations, mountain bike centers and the regional administration. Several issues were discussed: current situation of the mountain bike sector, compatibility with other uses (hunting, hiking, etc.) and the environment (habitats, species, protected natural areas), possible regulatory tools (APP, viewfinders). From the conservation NGOs we have suggested the creation of a stable working group, in which each of the topics will be discussed, in order to find solutions to the possible existing problems, to make the activity compatible with the conservation of the environment and the different uses in the territory.