– Access the videos:
- Platform 13M, Aragon for Energy Rationality. .
- Platform in favor of the Landscapes of Teruel.
- Citizens who have submitted allegations. .
- José Luis Simón, Professor of Geology
- Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture, Juan Antonio Gil Kiko
- Unitary platform against the Electric Highway, Carlos González.
– Programs and appearances in chronological order:
March 8, 2024
This morning, March 8, the 2nd session of the Commission of Inquiry on the implementation of renewable energies in Aragon and on how INAGA has acted in this process took place in the Cortes de Aragon, with the participation of representatives of the Platforms in defense of landscapes and territory in Aragon, grouped under the name Platform of Aragon for Energy Rationality or Platform 13Marzo and the Platform in favor of the Landscapes of Teruel. List of the appearances on March 8:
…. Program
- 9:00h. Blanca Simón. Professor at the University of Zaragoza, Dept. of Applied Economics.
- 10:00h. Beatriz López. Director of Ibermac Asosores SL, business consulting.
- 11:00 h. Jesús Alijarde. Sustainability Commission of the Energy Cluster of Aragon.
- 12:00 h. Alex Serrano, Jesús Ruz and Alberto, representatives of the Aragon Platform for Energy Rationality (March 13).
- 13:00h. Javier Oquendo, spokesman of the Platform for the Landscapes of Teruel.
- 14:00 h. Fernando Safont (Asociación Viento Alto), Roberto Rabaza and Ricardo Altabás.
Listen to the complete audio of the hearing of the spokesperson of the Platform for the Landscapes of Teruel (including questions).
Listen here, full audio of the Platform March 13, Aragon for Energy Rationality (citizen platform). MONDAY, MARCH 11 On Monday, March 11, at 4:00 p.m., the following appearances took place: 1. Reading and approval, if applicable, of the minutes of the previous session. 2. (At 4:00 p.m.). Appearance of Mr. Julio Mendo Buetas, Lawyer specializing in environment and energy. 3. (At 17:00 h). Appearance of Mr. Pedro Machín Iturria, President of the Energy Cluster of Aragón (CLENAR). 4. (At 18:00 h). Appearance of Ms. Sara Pizzinatto, Renewable Development Coordinator of Greenpeace, accompanied by José Manuel Marraco. 5. (At 19:00 h).
MARCH 22, 2024
- ( At 09.00 a.m.): Appearance of Mr. José Luis Simón. Professor of Geology. Aragón Environment Award 2022 and member of the Territorial Planning Council of Aragón.
- (At 10.00 a.m.): Appearance of Mr. Eduardo Pérez Lacosta. Head of Energy Management Service of the Government of Aragón.
- (At 11.00 a.m.): Appearance of Mr. Juan Antonio Gil Kiko, from the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture.
- (At 12:00 p.m.): Appearance of Mr. Carlos González Sanz, of the Unitary Platform against the electric highway, accompanied by Ms. Dori Rami Clemente.
- (At 1:00 p.m.): Appearance of Mr. José María Giral Monter, Former Director of the Cabinet of the President of the Government Javier Lambán.
- (At 2:00 p.m.): Appearance of Ms. Paula Delmás. Mayoress of Monforte de Moyuela.