Against the massive extraction of resources from the Aragonese sun and wind: a home, a landscape, a future.

Against the massive extraction of resources from the Aragonese sun and wind: a home, a landscape, a future.

The 13M Platform “Aragon for Energy Rationality” calls a demonstration for next April 7 at 12.00 noon in Zaragoza: “if at the beginning of this century the Aragonese population decided to oppose the Ebro water transfer because it was an attack on their chances of progress, now we can say that we are facing another transfer of similar scope: a massive extraction of resources from the sun and wind Aragonese”. The permanent avalanche of projects of production plants and power transmission lines, in the opinion of the 13M Platform “only consolidate the energy oligopoly that has sufficiently demonstrated its predatory will and social insensitivity”. “It would seem that this sector seeks the fossilization of renewable energies and to abort the opportunity of an energy system that could modulate the interests of the consuming population with those of the producing companies”. In this sense, they affirm that if at the beginning of this century the Aragonese population “decided to oppose the transfer of the Ebro because they believed that it was an attack on their possibilities of progress, at this moment we can say that we are facing another transfer of similar scope”. From the entities in defense of the landscape and landscape understand that “if the 2001 Water Plan favored the consolidation of the water business and territorial imbalance based on an outdated water policy, the implementation of renewable energy, which the Aragonese administration is sponsoring,” also involves “a massive extraction of resources from the sun and wind Aragon and its transfer beyond the borders” of our country “in the service of an energy model that Aragon is relegated”. “As in the case of water, we consider it a serious absurdity that the energy generated in Aragon prioritizes the service to the European industry over the possibilities of real development of the territory that makes it possible,” they say. In this atmosphere “of blatant speculation in which the climate challenge seems to have run aground” there is much to think “about the oversizing of the renewable power plants installed and to be installed, about the techniques of their storage or about the corridors and valleys of hydrogen, wrongly called green, produced from the energy that should leave the Aragonese territory”. If in past editions of this day of vindication the convening entities chatted “the need for a real social dialogue that could point to a rational model of exploitation of renewable potential, today things have not improved and we can only record the continuity of the immense business of international markets that put their bottom line before the interest of the citizens of Aragon to whom the sacrifice of its territory and its landscape is imposed”. For all these reasons, the Platform 13M “Aragon for Energy Rationality” calls for a demonstration on April 7 at 12.00 noon in Zaragoza, leaving from the Glorieta de Sasera.
