Meeting of the Aragonese Land Stewardship Network.
The entities belonging to the Aragonese Land Stewardship Network met on 25-7-2024 to share various stewardship initiatives and analyze different operational programs to promote and disseminate the Land Stewardship tool over the coming months.
Representatives of the Asociación para el Desarrollo del Maestrazgo (ADEMA), Fundación para la Conservación del Quebrantahuesos (FCQ), Fondo Natural and Asociación de Conservación de la Biodiversidad Valle del Río Jalón (ACOBIJA), met to share the update of their current stewardship agreements and the need to continue promoting this environmental management tool in Aragón.
Among the agreements reached at the meeting, the following stand out: -Contact with the Forum of Land Stewardship Networks and Entities (FRECT) at state level to get involved in its general objectives and in the search for new funding tools to disseminate the values and land stewardship agreements.
-To propose meetings and contacts with Aragonese administrations and entities in order to make land stewardship known and to look for collaboration projects.
-To develop an informative conference on land stewardship in Aragon for the last quarter of 2024, possibly to be held in Somontano de Barbastro.
-Invite the entity Apadrina un Olivo to join the Aragonese Land Stewardship Network and explore other entities working with this strategy in Aragon to join the network. What is Land Stewardship? Land stewardship is a tool for social and environmental innovation that seeks to conserve nature and biodiversity.
To this end, it promotes agreements and collaboration mechanisms between landowners and land stewardship organizations.
These agreements are always voluntary and are intended to be a complementary tool to the management and protection of the natural environment developed by the administrations.