Environmental education program: get to know the Pyrenean nature (Aínsa – Huesca)

The program proposes to publicize the natural environment (biodiversity, ecosystems, protected spaces…) and the actions of man in relation to the territory (art, architecture, traditional crafts…). The activities take place in the Eco Museum managed by the FCQ in the Aínsa Castle (Huesca) and its surroundings. They are eminently practical and participatory, combining interpreted tours and excursions through the countryside, guided tours of a cultural and ethnological nature and other educational and fun ones, all directed by environmental education monitors who are experts in the area. The program is offered to educational centers in Aragón, Lérida and Navarra, with preference to students in the third cycle of Primary (10 and 11 years), first and second cycle of Secondary (12-15 years) and Baccalaureate (16-18 years). Other associations and groups of adults can also participate, and can be adapted to the particular characteristics of each group of attendees. Program financed by Obra Social “la Caixa”.